Mission Statement
The Rosary Evangelization Apostolate was formed January 31, 2003, with the blessing, encouragement and approval of the Most Rev. Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of Milwaukee, in response to Pope John Paul II’s, Apostolic Letter, “The Rosary of the Virgin Mary” issued on October 16, 2002. Archbishop Dolan served as the Apostolate’s Episcopal Advisor until he became Archbishop of New York in April of 2009 and now remains as an Honorary Episcopal Advisor. The Most Rev. Jerome E. Listecki, the current Archbishop of Milwaukee is presently the Episcopal Advisor for this Apostolate.
Fr. James Kubicki, SJ is the Spiritual Advisor for this Apostolate
The Mission for this Apostolate is a call to holiness by “contemplating the face of Jesus with Mary”, through the promotion and praying of the Holy Rosary, in order to bring peace to the world and society, and the fostering and preservation of Christian family values.
This adventure in faith strives to ultimately rediscover the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, in the sacrament of His Love, the Holy Eucharist, and in the sacrament of Reconciliation where we personally encounter Jesus Christ and His Mercy. This is solely focused for the salvation of souls and the greater honor and glory of God.
Episcopal Advisors:
Archbishop of Milwaukee
Most Rev. Jerome E. Listecki
Jan. 31, 2010-Present
Most Rev. William P. Callahan, OFM Conv
April 21, 2009 –Jan. 30, 2010
Most Rev. Timothy M. Dolan
Founding Episcopal Advisor
Jan. 31, 2003 – April 15, 2009
Honorary Episcopal Advisors:
Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York
Most Rev. William P. Callahan, OFM Conv. of LaCrosse, WI
Spiritual Advisors:
Fr. James Kubicki, SJ
Bishop of Madison, Wisconsin
Most Rev. Donald Hying
Dick & Terry Boldin
Mission Statement
Apostolate was formed January 31, 2003, with the blessing and encouragement of the Most Rev. Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of Milwaukee, in response to Pope John Paul II’s, Apostolic Letter, “The Rosary of the Virgin Mary”. This is a call to holiness by “contemplating the face of Jesus with Mary”, through the promotion and praying of the Holy Rosary, in order to bring peace to the world and society, and the fostering and preservation of Christian family values. This adventure in faith strives to ultimately rediscover Christ in the Holy Eucharist and in the sacrament of Reconciliation.
What We Do
• Employ all the means of communication to encourage and promote the praying of the rosary, Eucharistic “Amazement” and a Personal Encounter with Jesus Christ in Confession
• Daily Radio Rosary Programs and other special radio broadcasts
• Sponsor special Events and Conferences
• Parishes, organizations, groups, schools, youth groups etc. are encouraged to contact this Apostolate to arrange for talks and Eucharistic rosary gatherings.
• Serves as a resource center for rosary, Eucharistic and
sacrament of Reconciliation materials
• Provides guidance and assistance for the establishment
and continuation of rosary & Eucharistic devotions
Special Apostolates Branches
• Coordinator & Custodian of the Traveling Monstrance Program to foster Adoration for Vocations and Parish Eucharistic Adoration, featuring monstrance blessed by Pope John Paul II. Parishes, schools, religious communities, shrines etc are welcome to reserve a Visitation.
• WYRE Ministries: www.wyreministries.org Youth Branch which ministers through various special local, state and national events
• Families in His Presence: Family Adoration Branch holds Family Holy Hours in parishes
• Sacrament of Mercy Branch fosters a rediscovery of the Sacrament of Reconciliation
www.sacramentofmercy.org website